Regular Review and Updates Policy


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that continuously updates and reviews its website content, product listings, technological infrastructure, and business practices to meet the evolving needs of our customers, stay ahead of market trends, and comply with legal standards.


This policy covers all aspects of the online presence, including product listings, website content, technological infrastructure, security measures, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Policy Details

Product Listings and Content Updates
  1. Frequency of Review: Product listings and website content will be reviewed on a monthly basis to ensure accuracy, relevancy, and completeness.
  2. Updating Process: New products, including bicycles, road bikes, mountain bikes, and related accessories, will be added to the website promptly. Discontinued items or those out of stock will be clearly marked or removed from the website.
  3. Customer Feedback: Customer feedback will be regularly reviewed to identify opportunities for product range expansion or improvement in product descriptions and imagery.
Technological Infrastructure
  1. Website Functionality: The website’s functionality will be reviewed quarterly to ensure it meets the latest usability standards, with a focus on mobile optimization and user experience.
  2. Security Updates: Security protocols, including SSL certificates and data protection measures, will be reviewed and updated as needed to ensure compliance with the latest security standards and best practices.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance
  1. Compliance Review: Legal and regulatory compliance, including data protection, consumer rights, and e-commerce regulations, will be reviewed annually or as new legislation is introduced.
  2. Policy Updates: All relevant policies, including the Payment and Financial Services Policy, Data and Feed Quality Policy, and Mobile Optimization Policy, will be updated to reflect changes in legal requirements or business practices.
Feedback and Continuous Improvement
  1. Customer Surveys: Regular customer surveys and feedback mechanisms will be implemented to gather insights into user experience, product satisfaction, and areas for improvement.
  2. Analytical Review: Website and sales analytics will be reviewed monthly to identify trends, areas for optimization, and effectiveness of marketing strategies.
Staff Training and Awareness
  1. Training Programs: Staff will receive regular training on new products, technologies, and changes in policies or legal requirements to ensure knowledgeable and consistent customer service.
  2. Internal Communications: Changes in policies or procedures will be communicated to all relevant staff members promptly to ensure seamless implementation.

Review and Amendment Process

  1. Annual Review: This policy, along with other store policies, will undergo an annual review to ensure it remains relevant and effective.
  2. Amendment Procedure: Any changes to the policy will be documented, with reasons for changes clearly outlined. Stakeholders will be notified of significant changes through internal memos or meetings.

Contact Information

For questions or suggestions regarding our Regular Review and Updates Policy, please contact us at:

  • Address: 13106 Washington Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90066, US
  • Hours: Mon-Sat 9:00AM – 9:00PM
  • Phone: +1 320-200-5325
  • Email: